ICIArb adjudication webinar

ICIArb September Adjudication Seminar

INSTITUTE OF CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ARBITRATORS, one of the leading arbitration institutions in Nigeria is set to hold an adjudication seminar in September, 2024. This adjudication course organized by ICIArb, is A two-day training and practice skills on Adjudication as an effective tool for resolving construction disputes.

The first edition which happened on the 5th and 6th of September, 2023 was a huge one and the participants can testify to the impact of the seminar.

This time around, the seminar will take place on the 24th and 25th of September, 2024. Participants can join physically and virtually.
Limited slots are available, so do well to reserve your slot on time using the pre-registration link: https://bit.ly/3NHiOSD

This seminar costs 200,000 naira for virtual participants and 250,000 naira for in-person participants! Meanwhile, it is $400 for international participants.

Asides from being a leading Institution for dispute resolutions, it boasts to have produced professional arbitrators. ICIArb is still in the business of grooming members to become seasoned arbitrators to handle arbitration proceedings in the construction industry in Nigeria and beyond borders.

Ensure to make it a date with us.

We also crave your indulgence to do well in sharing this with colleagues in the industry to be a part of it.

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